The Riassa is the outer garment with wide sleeves and long, lower cuffs. Riassas also have two basic styles. The first exactly corresponds to the first style of cassocks - Russian style (see cassocks), and distinguishes itself only with the style of the sleeves - long and broadening downwards. The second form of the riassa is straight-lined, widening from the base to the ends. This style of the riassa is known as the Greek style. Riassas are primarily black, but can be dark-blue, brown, white, cream-colored, and gray. Materials used for riassas are basically the same used for cassocks. Cassocks and riassas can also be lined. Riassas also exist for every day, acting as a fall or winter coats. These riassas of first (Russian) style, with its turn-down collar can be trimmed with black velvet or fur (see picture above). Winter riassa-coat can be made with a warm lining.Allow 8-12 weeks for delivery from the order date. |